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Cost of care: lawsuit seeks accountability in healthcare overspending

Andrew Cavenagh, Chairman & CEOMarch 1, 2024

When was your last bad dream?
You might not realize it, but you’re living in one today: Healthcare (1) costs in the U.S. currently make up more than 40% of global healthcare spending.1 It’s a growing problem – one that can’t be solved by doing what’s always been done.
Let’s take a deep dive into why and what we can do to fix it.

The real cost of healthcare (h4)

America’s prescription drug problem (Subhead strong)

Prescription drug costs are a major, but unsurprising, contributor to this problem.
For American manufacturers, the cost of making a drug is often much less than the price they charge patients – and the reason why is two-fold: to make a profit and cover the high cost of testing and releasing the drug.3

Critical care at sky-high prices (Subhead strong)

Healthcare services play a big role in this nightmare, too.
For example, an MRI in the UK costs approximately $4502. In the U.S., the cost of healthcare services can vary wildly based on location. The average patient doesn’t know how much a service costs – that is, until they get the bill from their insurance company.

Too many insurance brokers view their role as delivering a spreadsheet of one-year quotes. The time has come for a more strategic, multi-year approach to combat rising and unpredictable costs.”

Brett Turman

Senior Vice President of Sales, ParetoHealth

You might not realize it, but you’re living in one today: Healthcare costs in the U.S. currently make up more than 40% of global healthcare spending.1 It’s a growing problem – one that can’t be solved by doing what’s always been done. Prescription drug costs are a major, but unsurprising, contributor to this problem. For American manufacturers, the cost of making a drug is often much less than the price they charge patients – and the reason why is two-fold: to make a profit and cover the high cost of testing and releasing the drug.

You might not realize it, but you’re living in one today: Healthcare costs in the U.S. currently make up more than 40% of global healthcare spending.1 It’s a growing problem – one that can’t be solved by doing what’s always been done. Prescription drug costs are a major, but unsurprising, contributor to this problem.

You might not realize it, but you’re living in one today: Healthcare costs in the U.S. currently make up more than 40% of global healthcare spending.1 It’s a growing problem – one that can’t be solved by doing what’s always been done. Prescription drug costs are a major, but unsurprising, contributor to this problem. For American manufacturers, the cost of making a drug is often much less than the price they charge patients – and the reason why is two-fold: to make a profit and cover the high cost of testing and releasing the drug.

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The ParetoHealth solution (h2)

ParetoHealth’s mission is to make self-insurance affordable, accessible, and less risky for small and mid-sized businesses. We also believe in patients getting the care they need when they need it – at the right price.

Why ParetoHealth’s program works (h3)

Members own the captive
When a small or mid-sized business chooses ParetoHealth’s employee benefits captive program, they join a community of like-minded employers committed to offering better employee benefits, reducing waste, and innovating healthcare on their own terms.

Members are in control of their plan, and they have the power to:

  • Choose their network
  • Select their plan design and TPA
  • Cut costs and improve coverage
  • Offer innovative healthcare programs, including:
    • Prescription drug cost control
    • Care coordination services
    • Oncology management

In this way, we can align the incentives of employees to get the best possible care with the incentives of the employers to provide cost-effective options.

Too many insurance brokers view their role as delivering a spreadsheet of one-year quotes. The time has come for a more strategic, multi-year approach to combat rising and unpredictable costs.

You might not realize it, but you’re living in one today: Healthcare costs in the U.S. currently make up more than 40% of global healthcare spending.1 It’s a growing problem – one that can’t be solved by doing what’s always been done. Prescription drug costs are a major, but unsurprising, contributor to this problem. For American manufacturers, the cost of making a drug is often much less than the price they charge patients – and the reason why is two-fold: to make a profit and cover the high cost of testing and releasing the drug.

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